Project: Gotteswerk Magazine ➁
Client: Client
Services: Services

As it was in 2014, in 2015 MHDK was tasked with the design of the annual customer’s magazine »Gotteswerk« for the oldest printing company in Munich, Gotteswinter and Aumaier. The goal was to tie in with the preceding edition 4.2014 as well as a sequel with its own unique look. Conceptually, the first act was lifted from the prior magazine »Dialog und Austausch« (‘dialogue and exchange’). Communication and exchange were transferred into the first phase of a »getting to know each other, flirting, first touch«. What mattered was a direct×99.jpgcommunication with the reader, which is accomplished by a specifically designed headline concept: You look great – Nice to see you – You smell fantastic – Surprise me if you can – My heart goes BOOM – Clap your hands say yeah

Awards: Red Dot Award, Berliner Type Award Gold, German Design Award nominee, Bayerischen Printmedienpreis nominee, Gmund Naturpapierdrucker Award 2016 (2nd)

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